Thursday, 6 February 2014

Rainmeter [Desktop Customization] [Step 3]

Once you've installed Rainmeter on your computer, the next and effectively the last thing to do is to get some themes for it. In Rainmeter language these 'themes' are called 'rmskin packages'.
You can do this in two ways:
1. Get adventurous and start exploring the web for these rmskins or
2. Get smart and follow this easy method where i'll tell you what rmskkins to install.

if you have chosen 1st method, here's all the help i can give you: look for the themes on

So let's begin with method 2.
Start your rainmeter by launching it from the Notification area. The main screen looks like this:
On the Left side are all the skins that you install.
To install a theme, just simply download the '.rmskin package' and install it by double clicking on it. Let's try to install the 'SimplyNova V2' Theme by Nova. Download The rmskin package from here:

Download SimplyNova V2.rmskin

The installer will open when you open it, it looks like this:

That's It... Really, Check your desktop...

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